The suspension cables or prestressed tendons are very important elements of the bridges. They most commonly work in cyclically variable hard load conditions in a corrosive environment etc. For this reason cables are subject of faster wear and tear than other parts.
Their technical condition has a major influence on the continuous failure-free operation, and above all the safety of people using the bridge. Therefore a very the most important issue is an efficient assessment method of cables operating safety.
Bridge Inspection Services with the use of LRM XXI Diagnostic System allows to get information about the technical condition of the cables, and detects the weakness section of cables. Moreover the regularly Bridge Inspection in order to detect broken wires, and corrosion or other damages in good time.
The Bridge Inspection Services can be performed with the use of pulling system or with the use of special designed LRM Crawler System. The LRM Crawler System is designed to winch up the MRT device on the top of the tested object.