Thanks to the implementation of the MRT data analysis services it is possible to carry out “remote” wire rope inspections.
The main core of the MRT data analysis services is to carry out the wire rope inspection by trained vessel crew (MRT Inspection and thorough inspection) according to provided MRT procedures.
The interpretation and evaluation of collected data is carried out by LRM-NDE qualified MRT Engineers.
The qualifications of the MRT Engineers are confirmed by an international certificate in MRT method, the certificate of competence in NDT according to ISO 9712.
After that the expertises with recommendation for each wire rope are provided.
If the collecting of MRT data is not complex – we provide the online training and we could offer the support by Internet / mobile during the collecting data.
If the MRT is more complex the visit by our MRT Engineers on the vessel is recommended at first inspection to develop the dedicate MRT procedure.
As a manufacture of MRT Equipment we provide the LRM XXI Diagnostic System for any customer requirements (buying, renting, leasing).
MRT Equipment on which data are collected mainly depends on the type of agreement with the customers and their approach to the maintenance of the wire ropes.
For example some of our customers have equipment on board to have access in all required time.
The price of the MRT Data Analysis Services depends on diameter and length of wire ropes.